Resource and Development MCQ Quiz for CBSE Class viii board exam preparations



What is Resource?

Imagine you're building a cool treehouse with your friends. To make it, you need different things like wood, nails, tools, and even some help from adults. All these things that you use to build the treehouse are called "resources."

In a simple way, a resource is anything that helps you get something done or achieve a goal. Resources can be things like materials (wood, nails), people (helpers, teachers), or even things like time and money.

So, if you have a big project, you need to think about what resources you'll need to make it happen, just like you would plan what wood and tools you need to build your treehouse.

Resource and Development MCQ Quiz for CBSE Class viii board exam preparations

What is Natural Resource?

A natural resource is something found in nature that people use to help them live and make things. Imagine you're playing outside and you see trees, rivers, and rocks. These are all examples of natural resources. They come from the Earth and aren't made by people.

Here are a few examples:

  • Trees: They give us wood for building and paper for writing.
  • Water: We need it to drink, cook, and grow food.
  • Minerals: Things like iron and gold that are used to make tools and jewellery.
  • Sunlight: It helps plants grow and can also be used to make solar energy.

Natural resources are really important because they help us in many ways and are part of our daily lives.

What is Man-made resource?

A man-made resource is something that people create or change from natural materials to make something useful. Unlike natural resources, which come directly from nature, man-made resources are produced through human effort and technology.

For example:

  • Cars: Made from metal, plastic, and other materials, cars help us travel from place to place.
  • Buildings: Constructed using materials like bricks, concrete, and glass, buildings provide us with homes, schools, and offices.
  • Computers: Created from various components like chips and circuits, computers help us with work, school, and entertainment.
  • Books: Made from paper and ink, books provide information and stories.

In short, man-made resources are products or tools that we create using our knowledge and skills to help us in our daily lives.

NB: Read Your Textbook Carefully 

  • Focus on Key Concepts
  • Write a brief summary in your own words.
  • Now Practice with this MCQs

Practice Questions: we refer MCQ questions related to the material you’ve studied. After attempting MCQs, review the correct answers and understand why they are correct. Here, we describe each MCQ with proper Explanations. 


Question1: What is define as a resource?

  • A) Anything that satisfies a need 
  • B) Anything found in nature 
  • C) Anything with economic value 
  • D) Anything that is beautiful 

Correct Answer: A) Anything that satisfies a need.

Explanation: Recourse defined as "anything that can be used to satisfy a need".

Question2: Which type of resources are solar and wind energy examples of?

  • A) Renewable resources 
  • B) Non-renewable resources 
  • C) Human-made resources 
  • D) Economic resources 

Correct Answer: A) Renewable resources

Explanation: Solar and wind energy are renewable resources because they can be replenished naturally.

Question3: What term describes the process of using resources carefully and ensuring they can renew for the future?

  • A) Sustainable development 
  • B) Economic valuation 
  • C) Resource exploration 
  • D) Technological advancement 

Correct Answer: A) Sustainable development

Explanation: Sustainable development means balancing resource use with conservation for future generations.

Question4: Which type of resource is iron extracted from iron ore?

  • A) Human-made resource 
  • B) Renewable resource 
  • C) Non-renewable resource 
  • D) Natural resource 

Correct Answer: D) Natural resource

Explanation: Iron ore is a natural resource that becomes useful (iron) through human extraction processes.

Question5: According to Amma, what gives something its value as a resource?

  • A) Its rarity in nature 
  • B) Its beauty and appearance 
  • C) Its use or utility 
  • D) Its size and shape 

Correct Answer: C) Its use or utility

Explanation: Amma mentioned that the utility or usability of an object gives it value as a resource.

Question6: What are the two main categories of natural resources based on their renewability?

  • A) Rare and common resources 
  • B) Valuable and non-valuable resources 
  • C) Renewable and non-renewable resources 
  • D) Expensive and inexpensive resources 

Correct Answer: C) Renewable and non-renewable resources

Explanation: Natural resources are classified into renewable (can be replenished quickly) and non-renewable (limited and not replenished quickly).

Question7: Which example from the text illustrates a human-made resource?

  • A) Air 
  • B) Water 
  • C) Solar energy 
  • D) Bridges 

Correct Answer: D) Bridges

Explanation: Bridges are human-made structures created using natural resources.

Question8: What term refers to the exclusive right over any idea or invention?

  • A) Patience 
  • B) Patent 
  • C) Pending 
  • D) Profit 

Correct Answer: B) Patent

Explanation: A patent grants the exclusive rights over any idea or invention to its creator.

Question9: Which factor can change substances into resources, according to the text?

  • A) Time and technology 
  • B) Money and power 
  • C) Size and shape 
  • D) Location and climate 

Correct Answer: A) Time and technology

Explanation: Time and technology can transform substances into resources based on human needs and advancements.

Question10: What does sustainable development aim to balance?

  • A) Resource use and conservation 
  • B) Economic growth and resource depletion 
  • C) Technology and innovation 
  • D) Population growth and resource availability 

Correct Answer: A) Resource use and conservation

Explanation: Sustainable development focuses on using resources while ensuring they are conserved for future generations.

Question11: Which statement about renewable resources is true?

  • A) They are always unlimited 
  • B) They can be quickly replenished 
  • C) They include coal and petroleum 
  • D) They are not affected by human activities 

Correct Answer: B) They can be quickly replenished

Explanation: Renewable resources can be replenished relatively quickly compared to non-renewable resources.

Question12: Which category of resources includes minerals and soils?

  • A) Renewable resources 
  • B) Human-made resources 
  • C) Natural resources 
  • D) Economic resources 

Correct Answer: C) Natural resources

Explanation: Minerals and soils are examples of natural resources found in the Earth.

Question13: What is the term for the number of resources available for use?

  • A) Wealth 
  • B) Stock of resource 
  • C) Value 
  • D) Discovery 

Correct Answer: B) Stock of resource

Explanation: Stock of resource refers to the amount available for use at any given time.

Question14: What is the main characteristic that makes something a resource?

  • A) Beauty 
  • B) Utility or usability 
  • C) Size 
  • D) Age 

Correct Answer: B) Utility or usability

Explanation: The utility or usability of an object or substance makes it valuable as a resource.

Question15: What does the term 'human resource' refer to?

  • A) Skills and abilities of people 
  • B) The number of people in a region 
  • C) The physical size of people 
  • D) The economic value of people 

Correct Answer:  A) Skills and abilities of people

Explanation: Human resources refer to the skills, knowledge, and abilities of people that contribute to resource creation.

Question16: Which resource has both economic and non-economic value, according to the text?

  •  A) Metals 
  • B) Beautiful landscapes 
  • C) Natural water sources 
  • D) Patents 

Correct Answer: B) Beautiful landscapes

Explanation: Beautiful landscapes may not have economic value but are still important and valuable.

Question17: Which resource category includes textbooks and electricity?

  • A) Renewable resources 
  • B) Non-renewable resources 
  • C) Human-made resources 
  • D) Economic resources 

Correct Answer: C) Human-made resources

Explanation: Textbooks and electricity are human-made resources created using other resources.

Question18: What can affect the stock of renewable resources like water and soil?

  • A) Economic value 
  • B) Climate change 
  • C) Human activities 
  • D) Natural disasters 

Correct Answer: C) Human activities

Explanation: Human activities such as overuse or pollution can affect the stock of renewable resources.

Question19: Which example demonstrates a non-renewable resource?

  • A) Solar energy 
  • B) Wind energy 
  • C) Natural gas 
  • D) Forests 

Correct Answer: C) Natural gas

Explanation: Natural gas is a non-renewable resource because it is finite and takes millions of years to form.

Question20: Which type of resources are affected by physical factors like terrain and climate?

  • A) Economic resources 
  • B) Human-made resources 
  • C) Natural resources 
  • D) Renewable resources 

Correct Answer: C) Natural resources

Explanation: The distribution of natural resources depends on physical factors like terrain and climate.

Question21: What is the term for balancing resource use while conserving them for future generations?

  • A) Conservation 
  • B) Sustainable development 
  • C) Renewable utilization 
  • D) Economic planning 

Correct Answer: B) Sustainable development

Explanation: Sustainable development aims to balance resource use with conservation efforts for the future.

Question22: Which resource type may become economically valuable with time?

  • A) Renewable resources 
  • B) Non-renewable resources 
  • C) Human-made resources 
  • D) Natural resources 

Correct Answer: A) Renewable resources

Explanation: Renewable resources like solar energy can become economically valuable with advancing technology.

Question23: What does 'patented' mean in the context of the text?

  • A) Exclusive right over an idea or invention 
  • B) Public domain 
  • C) Free to use by anyone 
  • D) Open for competition 

Correct Answer: A) Exclusive right over an idea or invention

Explanation: A patent grants the exclusive right to use or sell an idea or invention to its creator.

Question24: Which resource type includes coal, petroleum, and natural gas?

  • A) Renewable resources 
  • B) Non-renewable resources 
  • C) Human-made resources 
  • D) Economic resources 

Correct Answer: B) Non-renewable resources

Explanation: Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of non-renewable resources because they are finite.

Question25: What is the term for resources that are drawn from nature and used with little modification?

  • A) Raw resources 
  • B) Economic resources 
  • C) Natural resources 
  • D) Environmental resources 

Correct Answer: C) Natural resources

Explanation: Natural resources are those drawn from nature and used with minimal modification.

Question26: Which factor makes humans the most important resource?

  • A) Economic value 
  • B) Invention of resources 
  • C) Knowledge and skills 
  • D) Population growth 

Correct Answer: C) Knowledge and skills

Explanation: Human knowledge and skills are crucial for creating and utilizing resources effectively.

Question27: Which term describes the process of turning substances into resources based on human needs?

  • A) Technological advancement 
  • B) Economic valuation 
  • C) Resource development 
  • D) Human exploitation 

Correct Answer: A) Technological advancement

Explanation: Technological advancements enable the transformation of substances into valuable resources based on human needs.

Question28: Which resource category includes rivers, lakes, and the air we breathe?

  • A) Renewable resources 
  • B) Non-renewable resources 
  • C) Human-made resources 
  • D) Natural resources 

Correct Answer: D) Natural resources

Explanation: Rivers, lakes, and air are examples of natural resources provided by nature.

Question29: What is the term for resources that are limited and take a long time to replenish?

  • A) Scarce resources 
  • B) Non-valuable resources 
  • C) Renewable resources 
  • D) Non-renewable resources 

Correct Answer: D) Non-renewable resources

Explanation: Non-renewable resources are limited and take millions of years to form or replenish.

Question30: Which resource type includes tools, machinery, and vehicles?

  • A) Renewable resources 
  • B) Non-renewable resources 
  • C) Human-made resources 
  • D) Natural resources 

Correct Answer: C) Human-made resources

Explanation: Tools, machinery, and vehicles are human-made resources created using natural resources.
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