MCQs for The Best Eco-Friendly Alternatives for the Plastic in our daily life

MCQs on plastic pollution and eco-friendly products

MCQs for The Best Eco-Friendly Alternatives for the Plastic in our daily life
Image source: Canva

The Best Eco-Friendly Alternatives for the Plastic in our daily life

Plastic pollution is a major environmental problem where plastic items and tiny particles build up in nature. Most plastics come from oil and can last in the environment for hundreds or even thousands of years. 

Over time, these plastics break into tiny pieces called microplastics. These small fragments can be swallowed by animals, which can harm them and, eventually, leading to harmful effects on ecosystems and may end up potentially entering the human food chain.

MCQs on plastic pollution and eco-friendly alternatives

These questions cover various aspects of plastic pollution and eco-friendly alternatives, providing a comprehensive overview of the topic. 

plastic pollution and eco-friendly alternatives

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