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1.Jim Corbett national park was located in
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Tamil Nadu
c. Gujarat
d. Uttarakhand.
Answer: d. Uttarakhand.
Explanation: The Jim Corbett
national park is a part of the largest Corbett tiger reserve, located in
Nainital District, Uttarakhand. Established in the year 1936 as Hailey National
Park. It is also famous as the place where Project Tiger was first launched in
the year 1973.
2.Earth surface is covered with
nearly ____________ of Water?
Answer: b.71%. (Three-fourth
surface of earth is covered by Water)
Explanation: Water cover’s 71% of
the Earth surface and rest 29% comprises land, among of 71% earth water 97.5 %
of water is found in Seas and Oceens,1.725% of water is found in Glaciers and
Ice caps, snow and permafrost,0.075% of Ground waters, 0.025% in Lakes swamps
& rivers.
3.What is the other name of Biogas?
a. Methane.
b. Vermi Gas.
c. Gobar Gas.
d. Global Gas.
Answer: c. Gobar Gas.
Explanation: Biogas is mostly known
as Biomethane. It is also sometimes called Marsh Gas, Sewer Gas, Compost Gas
and Swamp Gas in the U.S. The Indian name of Biogas is Gobar Gas. Cow dung, various
plant materials, crops, vegetable waste and sewage are decomposed in the
absence of Oxygen to give Biogas. Biogas is a naturally occurring and renewable
source of energy.
4.Green House Effect refers to
a. Warming of Earth.
b. Cooling of Earth.
c. Cultivation of Plants.
d. Trapping of UV rays.
Answer: a. Warming of Earth.
Explanation: The green house effect
is a natural process. When the energy of sun reaches to the Earth atmosphere in
the form of Light. Some of this energy is reflected back to the space and rest
of the part of this energy is absorbed by greenhouse gases which is presence in
the earth atmosphere and is re-radiated and this trapped heat keeps Earth
In the absence of GHGS, the surface
temperature of the earth would be around -18°C while in the presence of GHGS
average temperature is 15°C.
5.Common Energy source in Village is
a. Coal
b. Wood and animal dung.
c. Electricity.
d. Biogas.
Answer: b. Wood and animal dung.
Explanation: The common source of
energy in Indian Villages can be Animal Dung and wood which can be used to
produce Biogas in biogas plant. Animal dung and wood is economical for meeting
their cooking and heating needs.
In U.K, On average,
energy that is provided by UK suppliers mostly comes from gas (around 41%).
Renewable sources, such as wind power are used to produce around 30% of the
energy provided while the percentage figures for coal and nuclear power
respectively are around 13% and 11%.
6.The Wildlife Protection Act was established
a. 1970.
b. 1972.
Ans: b.1972.
Explanation: The Wildlife
Protection Act was enabled on 9th September 1972(Act no 53) by the
parliament of India to protect Animal from being hunted and for the protection
of all species of plants.
7.When was Wildlife Conservation
a. 1970
b. 1952
Answer: b.1952.
Explanation: In 1952, First Indian
Board for wildlife(IBWL) was constituted, which was created to advise central
government on various nature & wildlife conservation related issues.
8.Soil Erosion is caused by
a. Deforestation.
b. Farming and Mining.
c. Overgrazing by Cattle.
d. All of the above.
Answer: d. All of the above.
Explanation: Soil erosion is caused
by various reason, like Water, Wind, Deforestation, Overgrazing by cattle, etc.
It is usually caused due to the removal of vegetation, or any human activity
that renders the ground dry.
9.Forest Conservation Act was established in
Answer: A.1980
Explanation: The Forest (Conservation)Act,1980
came into force with effect from October 25,1980. The basic objective of the
act is to regulates the diversion of forest lands to non- forestry purposes and
to maintain a logical balance between the developmental needs of the country
and the conservation of natural heritage.
10.The Chipko movement was started
in which state of India?
a. Uttar Pradesh.
b. Tamil Nadu.
c. Odisha.
d. West Bengal.
Answer: a. Uttar Pradesh.
Explanation: The Chipko movement
originated in the Himalayan region of Uttarakhand (then part of Uttar Pradesh)
in 1973. The movement was launched by Chandi Prasad Bhatt and Sunder Lal
Bahuguna against large scale cutting of trees by timber contractors in the Uttarakhand
hills, the movement was mainly about hugging the trees to protect them from
cutting. Sunder Lal Bahuguna is the father of Chipko movement, was his creation
of the Chipko slogan “Ecology is Permanent economy”.
11. Which of the following is a
Fossil Fuel?
a. Coal.
b. Tar. (Pitch)
C. Petroleum.
d. All of the above.
Answer: d. All of the above.
Explanation: Fossil fuels are made
from decomposing plants and animals. It is a natural fuel. Coal, Oil,
Petroleum, Natural gas are examples of Fossil fuels. These fuels are found in
Earth crust and contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be burned for energy
Tar is a black mixture of
hydrocarbons and free carbon. It is a dark brown or black viscous liquid of
hydrocarbons and free carbon. It is obtained from several organic compounds
during destructive distillation. Tar also can produce from coal, petroleum,
wood or peat.
12.What is the leading source of energy used in the United States?
a. Coal.
b. nuclear power.
c. Natural gas.
d. Petroleum.
Answer: d. Petroleum.
Explanation: The three major fossil
fuels -Petroleum, Natural gas, and coal combined accounted about 79% of the
U.S primary energy Productions in 2022. Energy sources in the U.S Natural Gas (33%),
Petroleum (36%), Coal (10%), Renewable energy (13%), Nuclear electric power (8%).
Fossil Fuels are the largest sources of energy for electricity generation in
the United States.
13.___________ is the source of non-renewable natural resources?
a. Water
b. Crops
c. Solar Energy
d. Coal & Petroleum.
Answer: d. Coal & Petroleum.
Explanation: There are four types
of non-renewable sources: Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, and nuclear energy. Once
these sources are used up. They cannot be replaced. Non renewable sources are
resources that humans use up faster than nature replace them. This means that these
resources are limited in supply and cannot be used sustainably.
14.When Van Mahotsav was started?
Answer: b.1950.
Explanation: Van Mahotsav was
started in 1950 during first week of July. It was started by K.M. Munshi, the
union minister for Agriculture and Food. The aim of Van Mahotsav to create
enthusiasm among every citizen of India is expected to plant trees during Van Mahotsav
week for forest conservation and planting trees. In India the Monsoons
typically begins during the first week of July.
15. Global warming will cause the
following reasons?
a. Melting the Glaciers
b. Raising of Ocean level.
c. Sinking of Islands.
d. All of the above.
Answer: d. All of the above.
Explanation: Global warming is the long-term heating of earth surface observed since the preindustrial period (between 1850 to 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning. Which increases heat trapping greenhouse gas levels in the earth atmosphere. More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting Glaciers and warming Oceans can directly harm the animals, destroy the places they live and wreak havoc on people’s livelihoods and communities.